28/2 Rosa Menkman: Resolution Disputes – Open Conversation

On the 28th of February we had the honor to enter into an open conversation with Rosa Menkman, a dutch-born visual artist, curator and theorist who is currently being based in Berlin. Her work has been exhibited widely across the digital sphere as much as within physical spaces across  the globe.

The conversation was led by Jens Haendeler, Hakam Laban and Mahmoud Adas.

The institutions of Resolution Disputes [iRD] call attention to media resolutions. While a ’resolution’ generally simply refers to a standard (measurement) embedded in the technological domain, the iRD reflect on the fact that a resolution is indeed a settlement (solution), but at the same time a space of compromise between different actors (objects, materialities and protocols) who dispute their stakes (framerate, number of pixels etc.) within the growing digital territories. Rosa Menkman is a Dutch artist, curator and researcher. In 2011 Menkman wrote the Glitch Moment/um, a little book on the exploitation and popularization of glitch artifacts (published by the Institute of Network Cultures), co-facilitated the GLI.TC/H festivals in both Chicago and Amsterdam and curated the Aesthetics symposium of Transmediale 2012.

[excerpt from: rosa-menkman.blogspot.com and i.R.D Behind White Shadows (forthcoming)]

[for readings also see Forensic, Space and Law reading list]