Settimana di Unlearning | A Week of Unlearning

* Interventi pedagogici e di ‘decolonalizzazione’ a Palermo, Sicilia * * Pedagogical and de-colonial interventions in Palermo, Sicily * download public programme (EN/ IT) EN: Building on the fruitful experience of the 2018 Manifesta12 5x5x5, scholars, students, legal theorists, community activists, filmmakers, artists and other practitioners are gathering in Palermo to discuss and lay the grounds for

برنامج سلسلة فعاليات “تذكّر، تفكّر، عودة | Recall-Reflect-Return Program

Pnevma will participate in the Recall-Reflect-Return Performance Symposium which provides a platform for the exchange of expertise and embodied practices of Palestinians and international artists and academics in the in the field of Performance Art, through the lens of performance art, experimental theatre, sound art, moving image, architecture, public space, theoretical discourse.


The above [work-in-progress] map of Fortress Europe takes into account all spatial borders surrounding fortress Europe; including fences, walls, policed roads, the militarised mediterranean sea and the architecture of the institutionalised camp itself. We will update it but wanted to share this draft with you at this stage. Fortress Europe Map by pnevma is licensed under a Creative