TESTING-GROUND: Journal of Landscapes, Cities and Territories

Jens Haendeler and Alex Ioannou will be guest editors of the forthcoming TESTING-GROUND journal issue no. 2: OTHER SIDES. TESTING-GROUND: journal of landscapes, cities and territories, published at the University of Greenwich, is open for contributions for its second issue, Other Sides. What resides on the other side can cause fear, concern, intrigue, delight and fascination. Neighbouring and


The above [work-in-progress] map of Fortress Europe takes into account all spatial borders surrounding fortress Europe; including fences, walls, policed roads, the militarised mediterranean sea and the architecture of the institutionalised camp itself. We will update it but wanted to share this draft with you at this stage. Fortress Europe Map by pnevma is licensed under a Creative


PRESENTATION  Jens Haendeler and Alex Ioannou presented their work-in-progress maps and analysis of weaponised landscapes at the Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster last week, inviting architects, landscape architects and students in politics and international relations to debate the ongoing militarisation of Europe’s ubiquitous borders, both at the border and